IRIX Admin: Software Installation and Licensing Document Number 007-1364-060 Table Of Contents This guide contains the following chapters/sections. ALL FILES INCLUDED HERE ARE COMPRESSED PostScript FILES ------------------------------------------------------------- * Title Page, (2 pages) * Table of Contents, (8 pages) * List of Figures, (2 pages) * List of Figures, (2 pages) * List of Tables, (2 pages) * Preface, (2 pages) * About This Guide, (6 pages) PART ONE, "Installation" (2 pages) 1. Chapter 1 "Introduction," (12 pages) Describes how software distributions are organized and the effects of this organization on the installation process. Introduces the fundamental concepts and vocabulary of software installation and presents an overview of the installation process using Inst. 2. Chapter 2, "Preparing for Installation," (12 pages) Identifies the factors that must be considered in planning for installations and describes the preliminary work that should be done on a server and target system to ensure smooth installations. 3. Chapter 3, "Starting an Installation," (12 pages) Contains procedures for starting a miniroot and a live installation. Also explains how miniroot installations work. Use this chapter in conjunction with the procedures in Chapter 4 to install software. 4. Chapter 4, "Using the Main Menu," (26 pages) Contains procedures for installing software using commands on the Inst Main menu. Use this chapter after starting an installation with the procedures in Chapter 3. 5. Chapter 5, "Using Supplementary Menus," (18 pages) Describes how to use the View Commands menu to change the way information is displayed in software listings. Also explains how to use the Administrative Commands menu to execute specialized installation commands and change conditions on the target host during an installation session. Procedures in this chapter require mastery of Chapter 4 material. 6. Chapter 6, "Inst for Experts," (10 pages) Describes optional methods for using Inst that supplement the basic method presented in Chapter 4. Use this chapter after you become comfortable with the procedures in Chapter 4 material. 7. Chapter 7, "Maintenance Tips," (12 pages) Contains procedures for updating installed software and keeping software current with site requirements. 8. Chapter 8, "Tailoring Installations," (28 pages) Explains how to customize Inst to suite both personal preferences and the requirements of other system users. Includes information for tailoring Software Manager. PART TWO, "Licensing" (2 pages) 9. Chapter 9, "Licensing," (2 pages) Refers readers to the FLEXlm End User Manual and the Network License System Administration Guide for instructions on setting up and maintaing licensing schemes. Contains supplemental information that is specific to managing FLEXlm on Silicon Graphics systems. * Appendix A, "Inst Quick Reference," (16 pages) ontains a condensed version of the installation instructions presented in Chapter 4. Also contains a glossary of all commands that are available from Inst menus, including hidden commands. Commands are ordered alphabetically by menu. * Appendix B, "Troubleshooting Installations," (40 pages) Explains the types of errors that can occur during an installation, how to control error reporting, and how to interpret and resolve errors during various phases of the installation process. * Index, (10 pages) * Tech Pubs Wants To Hear From You, (1 page) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------